製品 ラボ用消耗品と材料 PTFE素材 PTFE flask/PTFE three-necked flask/PTFE round bottom flask
PTFE flask/PTFE three-necked flask/PTFE round bottom flask


PTFE flask/PTFE three-necked flask/PTFE round bottom flask

商品番号 : PTFE-36

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The PTFE Flask (three-necked bottle) is a versatile laboratory tool designed for various applications due to its chemical resistance, temperature tolerance, and inert properties. This flask is particularly useful in environments where exposure to aggressive chemicals or high temperatures is common. Here are the main application areas:

  • Chemical Synthesis: Ideal for reactions involving corrosive substances, where the inertness of PTFE prevents any chemical interaction with the flask.
  • Research and Development: Commonly used in academic and industrial research labs for experiments involving a wide range of temperatures and chemicals.
  • Quality Control: Employed in analytical chemistry for volumetric analysis and other quality control processes where chemical resistance and accuracy are paramount.
  • Education: Used in educational settings to demonstrate chemical reactions and techniques due to their safety features and ease of use.
  • Environmental Testing: Suitable for handling samples in environmental analysis, especially where the sample may contain aggressive chemicals.
  • Pharmaceutical Research: Used in pharmaceutical applications where the purity of the materials is critical, as PTFE does not react with the substances being processed.
  • Heat Treatment: Capable of withstanding temperatures from -200°C to +250°C, making it suitable for heat treatment of samples.
  • Laboratory Scale Distillation and Evaporation: The three-necked design allows for multiple attachments, making it perfect for distillation setups and rotary evaporation processes.
  • General Laboratory Use: Its durability and resistance to breakage make it a reliable choice for general laboratory tasks where glass or other materials might be unsuitable.


The PTFE flask, is an essential piece of laboratory equipment designed for a variety of chemical processes. Made from high-quality PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene), these flasks offer a range of features that enhance their functionality and safety in laboratory settings. PTFE is renowned for its chemical resistance, durability, and temperature adaptability, making it an ideal material for laboratory glassware. Below are the key features of the PTFE flask that benefit users in their experiments and processes.

  • High Temperature Resistance: Capable of withstanding temperatures from -200°C to +250°C, the PTFE flask ensures stability and safety during high-temperature reactions and processes. This broad temperature range allows for versatility in various laboratory applications.
  • Corrosion Resistance: The flask is resistant to strong acids, strong alkalis, aqua regia, and various organic solvents. This resistance ensures that the flask does not dissolve, adsorb, or precipitate, maintaining the integrity of the chemicals and the accuracy of the experiments.
  • Anti-Pollution Properties: With low blank values of metal elements, the PTFE flask minimizes contamination risks, which is crucial for precise analytical and scientific research. This feature is particularly beneficial in volume analysis and heat treatment sample processes.
  • Translucent Design: The translucent nature of the flask allows for easy observation of the contents without the need to open the flask, enhancing safety and efficiency in the lab.
  • Non-Stick Surface: The non-stick surface of the PTFE flask simplifies cleaning, reducing the risk of cross-contamination and saving time in the laboratory.
  • Variety of Volumes: Available in various volumes, these flasks can be selected according to specific experimental needs, providing flexibility in laboratory setups.
  • Non-Leachable Material: Ensures an ultra-clean background, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity of sensitive chemical reactions and analyses.

These features not only enhance the performance and safety of the PTFE flask but also contribute to the efficiency and accuracy of laboratory experiments, making it a valuable asset in any laboratory setting.

Details & Parts

PTFE three-necked flask

PTFE three-necked flask

PTFE three-necked flask

PTFE three-necked flask

PTFE three-necked flask

PTFE three-necked flask


Technical specifications

The size is for reference only, please refer to the actual product.


The PTFE three-necked bottle, offers a range of advantages that make it a superior choice for various laboratory applications. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Excellent Chemical Resistance: These flasks are extremely inert and resistant to a wide range of chemicals, including corrosive substances like hydrofluoric acid. This makes them ideal for handling aggressive reagents without the fear of contamination or damage to the flask.
  • Durability and Safety: Unlike glass, PTFE flasks are unbreakable, reducing the risk of injury and contamination from glass shards. They are also lightweight, making them safer and easier to handle, especially in busy laboratory environments.
  • Low Coefficient of Friction and Lubricity: The surface of PTFE flasks is naturally smooth and non-stick, which aids in easy pouring and cleaning. This also minimizes the adhesion of substances to the flask, ensuring accurate measurements and reducing the risk of cross-contamination.
  • Excellent Dielectric Properties: PTFE flasks are excellent insulators, which is beneficial in experiments involving electrical properties or where electrical insulation is required.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Despite their high-quality material and performance, PTFE flasks are competitively priced, offering a cost-effective solution for laboratories without compromising on quality or safety.
  • Corrosion Resistance: The PTFE material used in these flasks is highly resistant to strong acids, strong alkalis, aqua regia, and various organic solvents. This ensures that the flask does not dissolve, adsorb, or precipitate, maintaining the integrity of the substances contained within.
  • Temperature Resistance: With the ability to withstand temperatures from -200ºC to +250ºC, these flasks are incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide range of heating and cooling processes without degradation.
  • Anti-Pollution Properties: The low blank value of metal elements in PTFE ensures that the flask does not introduce any metallic contamination into the samples, which is crucial for accurate and reliable results in analytical chemistry.
  • High-Temperature Stability: PTFE's high-temperature resistance up to 260ºC makes it suitable for use in high-temperature reactions and processes, ensuring that the flask does not deform or degrade under heat.
  • Chemical Compatibility: PTFE is inert and compatible with most chemicals, including hydrofluoric acid, making it an ideal choice for a variety of chemical reactions and storage needs.
  • Sterilization Ease: The material's inert nature allows for easy sterilization, which is essential in applications involving biological samples or where contamination must be minimized.
  • Versatility: The three-necked design of the PTFE flask allows for multiple attachments, such as stirrers, thermometers, and condensers, making it a versatile tool for complex laboratory setups and processes.

In summary, PTFE round-bottomed flasks combine the robustness of traditional glassware with the added benefits of PTFE's unique properties, making them a superior choice for modern laboratories dealing with a wide range of chemical and biological applications.


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ポリテトラフルオロエチレン (PTFE) は、テトラフルオロエチレンの合成フッ素ポリマーです。これは白色のワックス状の固体で、その優れた非粘着性、高い耐薬品性、低い摩擦係数で知られています。 PTFE は、デュポン社のスピンオフであるケマーズの登録商標であるテフロンというブランド名で広く知られています。

How should PTFE round-bottomed flasks be heated?

When heating, PTFE round-bottomed flasks should generally be placed on an asbestos net to ensure even heating. They should not be burned dry.

What are the advantages of using a PTFE Volumetric Flask over glass or PP flasks?

PTFE Volumetric Flasks offer several benefits including being opaque, unbreakable, and easy to clean. They are lightweight, microwaveable, and have excellent chemical resistance, moisture resistance, and high temperature resistance, making them suitable for harsh laboratory conditions.

PTFE の主な特性と特徴は何ですか?

PTFE は、さまざまな用途に非常に望ましいいくつかのユニークな特性を備えています。耐薬品性に優れており、ほとんどの薬品や溶剤に対してほとんど影響を受けません。 PTFE は非反応性でもあるため、過酷な環境での使用に適しています。摩擦係数が低く非粘着性に優れ、高温でも非粘着性を維持します。 PTFE は電気絶縁性も高く、絶縁耐力も高く、摂氏 -200 ~ +260 度 (華氏 -328 ~ +500 度) の広い温度範囲に対応します。さらに、PTFE は生物学的に不活性であるため、医療および食品グレードの用途での使用に適しています。


PTFE はその独特の特性により、幅広い産業で応用されています。フライパンやベーキングシートなどの調理器具の焦げ付き防止コーティングとしてよく使用されます。 PTFE は、腐食性化学物質を扱うパイプ、タンク、容器のライニング材としても使用されます。摩擦係数が低いため、さまざまな機械システムのベアリング、シール、ガスケットに適しています。 PTFE は、ワイヤやケーブルのコーティングなどの電気絶縁に使用され、コネクタや絶縁体などの電気部品の製造にも使用されます。さらに、PTFE はその生体適合性により、カテーテルや外科用インプラントなどの医療機器にも利用されています。


PTFE を使用すると、さまざまな用途でいくつかの利点が得られます。優れた非粘着特性により、材料の洗浄と剥離が容易になり、過剰な潤滑剤や洗浄剤の必要性が減ります。 PTFE の高い耐薬品性により、長期にわたる耐久性と腐食に対する保護が保証されます。摩擦係数が低いため、磨耗が軽減され、機械システムの寿命が向上します。 PTFE の電気絶縁特性により、電気用途で安全に使用できます。さらに、その生体適合性により、医療および食品グレードの用途に適しています。 PTFE は高温でも安定性が高く、劣化することなく特性を維持します。全体として、PTFE の利点には、非粘着性、耐薬品性、低摩擦、電気絶縁性、生体適合性、および高温安定性が含まれます。

PTFE を使用する際の制限や考慮事項はありますか?

PTFE には多くの望ましい特性がありますが、留意すべき制限と考慮事項がいくつかあります。 PTFE は他のエンジニアリング材料に比べて機械的強度が比較的低いため、高い耐荷重能力が必要な用途には適さない場合があります。また、熱膨張係数も比較的高いため、特定の用途では寸法安定性を考慮する必要があります。 PTFE は接着特性が低いため、表面に直接接着したり塗装したりすることが困難です。適切に接着するには、前処理または特殊な接着剤が必要な場合があります。さらに、PTFE は高エネルギー放射線による損傷を受けやすいため、放射線が集中する環境での用途には適さない可能性があります。 PTFE が推奨温度範囲を超えて加熱された場合、有毒なフュームが発生する可能性を考慮することも重要です。

PDF of PTFE-36


のカタログ Ptfe素材


のカタログ Ptfe



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